Thursday, April 23, 2009

Art from Kazakhstan will take your breath away - video

Art from Kazakhstan will take your breath away - video
Posted by artradar on April 13, 2009
ZCZ Films based in London has produced some intriguing videos about contemporary art in out of the way places. According to the blurb
Kazakhstan is a delightful country with an extraordinary past and an even more extraordinary present. Art critic Waldemar Januszczak travels there to explore the shocking stories about the mad experimental art of modern Kazakhstan.
With its risky video installations, outrageous performance pieces, stunning nudity, desperate violence and weird shamanism, the art of Kazakhstan takes Januszczak’s breath away and will probably do the same for you.
Try this very short trailer for the Kazakhstan Swings video. The site is not easy to link to but worth navigating your way there.
Kazakhstan Swings

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