Quotations I always ignore money.
Damien Hirst
I made one untitled piece.
Damien Hirst
I think an ashtray is the most fantastically real thing.
...Damien Hirst
I think suicide is the most perfect thing you can do in life.
Damien Hirst
Immortality is really desirable, I guess. In terms of images, anyway.
Damien Hirst
In an artwork you're always looking for artistic decisions, so an ashtray is perfect. An ashtray has got life and death.
Damien Hirst
It'd be nice to make lots of money but it's quite difficult, because every time I make lots of money I make a bigger piece that costs lots of money.
Damien Hirst
It's good to have a title that's not just one word. If you're gonna title it, you might as well try and say something.
Damien Hirst
It's such a crass idea - you're either in love or out of love.
Damien Hirst
Most people live in the city and go to the country at the weekend, and that's posh and aristocratic, but actually to live in the country and come to London when you can't take it any more is different.
Damien Hirst
My Mum brought me up to believe that if you look after the pennies then the pounds look after themselves, and I could never do it.
Damien Hirst
So smoking is the perfect way to commit suicide without actually dying. I smoke because it's bad, it's really simple.
Damien Hirst
Sometimes when you're drunk you can see better.
Damien Hirst
The goal in life is to be solid, whereas the way that life works is totally fluid, so you can never actually achieve that goal.
Damien Hirst
There's no possible way you can get what you want.
Damien HirstSee More
Arts and Entertainment
.Music Lady Gaga.
Activities and Interests
.Other SuperPoke! Pets, Zach Feuer Gallery, Texas Hold'em Poker, Dr. Dale Archer, Art at the Main, Luke D. Yocum, Jerry Hardesty, Global Art Collectors
Basic Information
.About Damien A lot of people thought I wasn't doing anything because I was spending a lot of time socialising and going out, but I've always managed to get work actually done.
Damien Hirst
Artists are like everybody else.
Damien Hirst
But I'm more interested in why people are frightened by Jaws and why Jaws was such a hit than saying Spielberg's my main influence.
Damien Hirst
But the answer to how to live is to stop thinking about it. And just to live. But you're doing that anyway. However you intellectualise it, you still just live.
Damien Hirst
But whenever I look at the question of how to live, the answer's always staring me in the face. I'm already doing it.
Damien Hirst
I always feel like the art's there and I just see it, so it's not really a lot of work.
Damien Hirst
Friday, June 10, 2011
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